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siege of constantinople (717–718) câu

"siege of constantinople (717–718)" là gì  
Câu ví dụĐiện thoại
  • Main article: Siege of Constantinople (717–718)
    Bài chi tiết: Cuộc vây hãm Constantinopolis (717–718)
  • Siege of Constantinople (717–718).
    Cuộc vây hãm Constantinopolis (717-718)
  • Siege of Constantinople (717–718)
    Cuộc bao vây Constantinople (717-718)
  • Siege of Constantinople (717–718).
    Cuộc bao vây Constantinople (717-718)
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  • constantinople     "400,000 ducats from the Sultan of Constantinople to the Holy See. "400,000...